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Shanghai Hongyuan Lighting & Electric Equipment Co***ny,Ltd

Company Profile
Shanghai Hongyuan has been in business since 1989 designing and manufacturing the latest products in lighting technology. We have been honored with many local awards for technical, social and environmental achievements. Our primary focus is to improve efficient energy use for all humankind. To the that end, we have invested heavily in the research and development of new technologies that will help people to feel the high, co***nies and countries around the world experience high quality lighting.

Contact Us
Company: Shanghai Hongyuan Lighting & Electric Equipment Co***ny,Ltd
Contact: Ms. Fu Glacier
Address: 5028 Zhennan Road Shanghai 201802,China
Tel: 8613918801456
Fax: (86-21) 5917-5240

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Tel : 8613918801456 Fax : (86-21) 5917-5240
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